Materials: Paper, Coffee filter, scissors, markers
Learn how to draw baby Yoda in 9 easy Steps
Materials: Paper plates, paint or markers, scissors, glue, ribbon or string
Materials: Crayons, hair dryer, glue, study paper plate.
Directions: Glue crayons onto the plate in a unique design of your choice. With the hair dryer, apply the heat onto the crayons. Watch as the crayons as they melt.
Materials: magazines, glue, paper
Directions: First find a picture of nature (i.e. a flower, a sunset, an animal). Once you chose your picture, try to recreate it by using ripped up pieces of other magazine images that match the colors in the picture of your choice. Then glue all the found pieces down to recreate the nature picture as a mosaic.
Materials: magazines/newspapers, scissors, paper, glue
Directions: Cut out images from magazines and newspapers that draw your attention and create your own picture using the found images.
Materials: post-its*, pencils/colored pencils/crayons
*(if you do not have post-its, you can just cut/rip paper into tiny squares and staple or tape them together)
Directions: First think of a simple action scene (i.e. throwing a ball, running a race, slipping on a banana peel, playing soccer, riding a horse) and think about each tiny motion that goes into the larger action. Then draw out the scene frame-by-frame, or tiny motion-by-tiny motion. When you are done, flip the pages quickly to trick the eye into thinking there is movement!
Fashion Show:
Materials: clothing, lights, anything to decorate with (sheets, flowers, scarves, legos, blocks, chairs, etc.), something to play music on
Directions: divide tasks among family members: lighting, set-design, costume design, model, DJ/MC, photographer and put together a fun show
Materials: Pictionary game*, play dough/clay
*no need to actually have the game; just create a board on paper, grab some items to be pieces, use your own dice (can also be found online), and write out your own subject cards
Directions: Just like the game Pictionary, each team will have at least two players (take turns being the creator and the guesser) and the object of the game is to make it to the end of the board first. Play the rules as is with Pictionary, but instead of drawing the subjects, create them using play dough/clay.
Materials: Paper and pencil
Directions: Try your best to unscramble the movie titles. Time yourself! See how long it takes you. Tell us about it sending a picture of you and your completed word scramble. Tag us on Facebook and Instagram!
Materials: paint/ink/food coloring, string, disposable cup, paper, book/ magazine that will get messy
Directions: Cover surface w/ newspaper. Folf paper in 1/2, open in the middle of the book/magazine spine. Paint/ink/ood coloring and pour some into empty cup. Submerge string into cup—wait a min for the string to absorb color. Remove string from cup, place on one side of paper—lay the string in a design w/ curves, loops/overlap. Leave a piece of the string to pull on. Once the string is placed down on the paper, carefully close the book and leave that little piece of the string sticking out. Apply a small amount of pressure on the book, grab onto string sticking out of the book, and gently pull entirely out. Last, open the book, check out the trail of color left behind on your paper!
Materials: recyclables, tape
Directions: There is no wrong way to do this! Just grab some recycled materials from around the house and build a sculpture
If you’re having trouble, look up these artists for inspiration:
Cyrus Kabiru, Yuken Teruya, Anna P. Smith, Car Cow by Miina Akkijyrkka, Milky Wave by Aidia Studio, Recycled Orchestra by Nicolas Gomez and Favio Chavez, Trash Sculptures by Evan Robarts
Materials: paper, pencil/pen/marker
Directions: Pick something to draw—it’s the most fun when drawing a portrait of another person. Once you have your subject, look only at them and draw what you see. It is important that you never look down at your paper and you never pick up your pencil/pen/marker.
Materials: paper egg cartons (foam ones will not work as well), paint/markers, straw/pipe-cleaner, glue/tape, scissors
Directions: Cut the egg carton into four joined containers to create the petals for the flower. Paint the four containers to make them look colorful. Finally, you will attach either a straw or pipe-cleaner, or anything else that can act as a stem for the flower
*add some extra leaves to the steam if you have construction or tissue paper
Materials: glue, shaving cream, food coloring, paper, paint brushes, cups for paint
Directions: Put a small bowl of glue in the refrigerator for at least 30-60min (or until glue is chilled). Combine the chilled glue with shaving cream until a puffy texture to the glue. Divide the glue/shaving cream mixture into however many colors you want and mix in dye or food coloring to create the different colors.
Materials: toilet paper roll (2), string, tape, (crayons, markers, paint, glitter, stickers, paper, construction paper, etc.)
Directions: Create a pair of binoculars using two toilet paper rolls. Decorate them however you want, tape them together, and add a string to carry them around if you wish!
Glen Cove Boys & Girls Club
at Lincoln House, Inc.
113 Glen Cove Avenue
Glen Cove, NY 11542
Ph: 516.671.8030 | Fax: 516.671.2561
Our Mission
To provide a safe and caring environment that will inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive and responsible citizens.
Glen Cove Boys & Girls Club is a 501(c)3 Charitable Nonprofit Organization