Last week you brainstormed your ideas and now this week you are ready to begin the project.
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Follow along for the next two weeks for the 4-level process. Level 1 is brainstorming!
Hello Club members! Miss visiting the library? Luckily, books and other resources are just a click away! Check out Glen Cove Library’s Digital Library Card, which gives you access to ebooks, audiobooks,, and Kanopy Kids video streaming service… for FREE!
Materials: Ziploc bag, permanent markers, string, straw, 2 small toys, scissors, ruler
Materials Needed: One of the following electronics: computer, laptops, tablet with keyboard
Directions: Click on the link and follow the on-screen instructions to continue to practice typing. For this week follow steps 2 to 16. Keyboard Practice
Dress up like a book character and read to your sibling/parents – record it and share to our social media using the tags #virtualgcbgc; #homewithbcbgc #funathomewithgcbgc
Create your very own maze game using PBS Scratch Jr. & share with us @glencovebgc #gcbgconline; #funathomewithgcbgc
Want to type like a pro? Follow along with the video via
Materials needed: One of the following: computer, tablet, or laptop
Materials: Paper and pencil
Directions: Using each letter only once, see how many different words you can make out of *EASTER BUNNY*
Materials Needed: One of the following electronics: computer, laptops, tablet with keyboard
Directions: Click on the link and follow the on-screen instructions to continue to practice typing. This week follow the videos numbers 24-51.
Coding Unplugged
As the weather gets warmer, let’s turn off the screens, unplug for a little bit. Coding can be done without sitting behind a PC. For this activity all you need is sidewalk chalk and water gun.
Learn how to play!
New ParaWater Flow Experiment
Materials: Ziploc bag, cup or bowl, rock or weight, rimmed baking sheet, clothespin or binder clip.
Materials: Ziploc® brand sandwich bags, 1 handful of popcorn kernels, food coloring, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1/2 cup of vinegar and two cups of water.
Click HERE to view directions and video tutorial.
Glen Cove Boys & Girls Club
at Lincoln House, Inc.
113 Glen Cove Avenue
Glen Cove, NY 11542
Ph: 516.671.8030 | Fax: 516.671.2561
Our Mission
To provide a safe and caring environment that will inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive and responsible citizens.
Glen Cove Boys & Girls Club is a 501(c)3 Charitable Nonprofit Organization